Saturday, 27 August 2011

Germans on Patrol II.

Here is my second batch of painted German Wehrmacht. To be honest they are not all complete (some of them look like they are walking across a sandy beach at the moment) and I need to add a couple more men with an MG34 and ammo to complete a squad but I couldn't resist posting an update!

A squad under the command of Leutnant Adler set up a defensive position in a ruined farmhouse...

Adler postions his MG42 team.

Feldwebel Trommler sets up his mortar team for best effect.

Obergefreiter Mauer leads his rifle section to the perimeter of the farmhouse.

A 'birds eye' view of the defensive position.

Meanwhile, Sturmscharfuhrer Ritter and his spotter Unterscharfuhrer Hahn take up a vantage point in the tree-line.

Finally, satisfied that the objective is secure, Leutnant Adler and Obergefreiter Mauer move the squad to a secondary position...

Figures are a mix from West Wind, Wargames Foundry, Bolt Action and Black Tree Design.