Following on from the German victory we headed straight to scenarios 2
- French 11
- German 8
All unknown until deployed
- German supports 12 points
- Red dice
- Fwd Observer
- Shabby Nazi trick - fifth column
- MG 34
French supports
- Demo team
- Adjutent
- Free demo team
French deploy first and are aggressive but the fifth columnist delays some arrivals but eventually they head to the culvert.
The French start laying charges, a +1, but the Germans start to lay down a barrage. The French then cancel the barrage scoring a 5 on demolition. The demo is ready but the barrage forces the French to leave to maintain troops for the rest if the campaign.
Unfortunately the French lose 7 men captured under the barrage which is critical as there are no replacements.
Needing a COC dice to set off the explosion and the barrage over the culvert and supporting French Squad, effectivly made this scenarion difficult for the french. Using a COC to cancel the barrage meant there was not one available to explode the first culvert.
Without any reinforcements it is going to be a challenge for the French to win the campaign with the loses incurred to date, partilarily as the Germans can still refresh the platoon.
French Opinion