Sunday, 3 March 2024

Chain of command Gembloux - Game One

A return to chain of command and the Gembloux campaign part one.

Figure by me (German), and Chris (French and terrain.)

  • Germans force morale 11
  • French 9

German supports

  • Shabby trick, fifth columnist
  • Red dice
  • IeIG 18
  • MG 34

French supports

  • MMG
  • AA MG
  • MG team
  • Two trenches

Patrol phase was bad for the Germans ending up mostly on their base edge.

Chris threw 4 COC dice heading advantage to the Germans who try to head down their left wing. The shabby nazi trick delays one deployment but French still arrive killing the saboteur 

The Germans get a double move, reach the hedge and open fire while in tactical killing 2 but the overwatch gets one back.

A French double turn and a HMG ends up killing half the unit who then retreat

HE artillery against the building, after some shoots were fired, wound a French JL Rene Artois 

The game slows until the Germans creep trough the right hand wheat fields, the HMG killing 3 with its first burst ( from 3 Hits) wounding the leader Rene Artois again. Two other squads open fire in the same unit causing further casualties.

The French retreat back while the Germans push forward down the railroad track

The French consolidate and not seeing a threat head off down the road hidden by the corn fields

The French get a treble move hiding in the buildings.

Pushing forward the Germans move off the road into the field, Attacked via overwatch but no casualties 

Ambush from the buildings kills Lieutenant Vogel, causing 2 points of force morale.

I use a COC dice to interrupt, causing 5 shock on the French right flank.

The French retreat but do not make the hedge and are cut to pieces 

The French elect to leave the field with 5 force remaining, This was a mistake as Chris had not realised he received a new platoon for game 2 and would have fought on

German win 9 force morale, French 5


French 9 killed, 2 Return, 3 later, 4 Dead
German 7 killed, 4 Return immediately, 1 later, 1 Dead

Lieutenant Vogel is replaced by Wilhelm Richter, 36, known as the Old Man.

French Opinion

-1 Leaders opinion

-1 Men’s opinion

German Opinion

+1 Leaders opinion

0 Men’s opinion



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